Potions and bromides to cure what ails our health care "system", and a thought-provoking look at issues and events that shape our perceptions of ourselves and of life on this little planet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The High Price Of Effing Up

I think it's safe to say that a Harvard MBA and a pedigree education have absolutely no correlation with the quality of decision making among our country's so-called elite leaders.


A president who can't seem to pick people for his cabinet who have the basic math skills to figure out that they owe money in taxes;

CEOs of....dare I try to name them all?...AIG, Lehman Bros., Bear Stearns, GM, Ford, ad nauseum, who seem to have no trouble or shame with being rewarded for rank incompetence and for running their businesses into the ground;

Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who seem to have developed sudden amnesia over their roles in aiding and abetting the country's (and world's) financial catastrophe;

Wall Street, for awarding millions in bonuses not tied to performance or value creation after accepting tax-payer handouts

These are the people who supposedly have the smarts to manage our major businesses and our government?

God help us!