Potions and bromides to cure what ails our health care "system", and a thought-provoking look at issues and events that shape our perceptions of ourselves and of life on this little planet.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It All Makes For Great Theater

Last evening I watched Gov. Sarah Palin deliver her coming out speech at the Republican National Convention. In the speech (which was one of the better ones of the two conventions), she lampooned Sen. Barack Obama’s community organization experience and suggested that it was less worthy than a job that “actually makes decisions”. The Whisperer believes this "those who can't, teach" argument falls flat. Why is being governor of a state that is half a world away from Washington superior to learning the problems of the working and unworking poor on the south side of Chicago?

If I remember my American history, Abraham Lincoln was an Illinois state senator (which Obama was) and a member of the House of Representatives (not an executive position) before being elected the 16th president of the United States. John F. Kennedy was a senator and not a governor. Jimmy Carter was a governor and we all know how ineffective he was. And the current President of the United States certainly does not prove that having been a governor qualifies someone to be an effective president.

The fact is, we have had presidents who rose to the occasion during times of national strife, and we have had presidents who were barely more effective than the local dogcatcher. Whether someone was a mayor, a governor, a senator, or a janitor has nothing to do with being an effective president of the country. Knowing how to build consensus and how not to be handicapped by ideology are more indicative of success in the highest office in the land.

Be well.

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